Riquel & Titan | Powers Photography Studios MENU

Riquel & Titan

It was a clear black night, a clear white moon Warren G was on the streets, trying to consume….oh wait, I’m sorry…this is a wedding post not Regulate by Warren G and Nate Dogg. Well Riquel and Titan’s wedding was pretty gangster so I guess it was easy for me to get it all mixed up. Yes it was a hot day, yes it was beautiful, yes Titan and Riquel were the coolest cats since Miles Davis. It was only their wedding day, NBD (that’s No Big Deal for all of you who are over the age of 40, #what?) Titan and Riquel have a certain kind of cache. I would say it’s a little bit funk, a little bit Metal, a little bit awesome. I first met these two at Tilt in the Pearl and we had a great time. Well….I had a great time, I can’t speak for them…I mean, they could have easily been waiting for me to stop talking and leave so they could start their “real” good time without me but let’s keep it positive people. We had a great time and ever since then I was looking forward to hanging out with their friends, taking some photographs and hearing some good music. So, their wedding day finally is here. Camera check, batteries, check, all star wedding day soundtrack, check, game face, double check. The one thing about the mansion that I love is that I feel that it’s always changing even though some of the stuff has been there for years. You just see new things every time you step in there. One thing that I love, love, love is when people cheer when the bride and groom go into the ceremony. I don’t know why…it’s just kind of awesome to have your friends and family love you so much that they have to make a celebratory noise to tell you. So…for those keeping score, when Riquel and Titan came into the ceremony people were cheering. Sarah, a close friend to the couple, did the ceremony and it was awesome. She even took the time to put the ceremony in Titan’s favorite magazine, Thrasher. So…for those keeping score, that’s a skateboard magazine. The time has come, a facts a fact. Riquel and Titan are now husband and wife and they kiss and casually walk out to a low key Heavy Metal tune…you know, because that’s who they are. Game, Set, Match. Needless to say that the reception was memorable including a trashing of the wedding cake, punch tag during a toast and plenty of cheering. This one goes down in the All Time wedding list. Congrats to Riquel and Titan…Oregon will miss you.

Wedding at Queen Anne Victorian Mansion

July 31, 2014 Comments (1) Queen Anne Victorian Mansion

One Response to Riquel & Titan

  1. Jeff Skogstad says:

    Beautiful pictures can you post more? Your blog was very well written btw. I was the jackass who told the pee on my leg Titan toast lol.

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