Michael & Trysta | Powers Photography Studios MENU

Michael & Trysta

Dear Trysta and Michael

You guys are such awesome people. I was sooo excited about your wedding when we first met and talked about everything under the sun. I became even more excited when we met a 3rd time and talked about how muffins were gateway foods leading to food abuse and how no one wants to be known as a muffin junkie. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of today. Even when I was pelted in the face with sand going a thousand miles per hour due to the wind tunnel known as the Oregon Coast, I was still happy because I was photographing two great people who deserved nothing less than photographer sand face pelting. Your friends are also great and when Matt started punching the floor during the Harlem Shake…I dare say, that made my summer. Even though it was windy and at times cold, you still kept the look of love on your face. I’m sorry for being so sappy but it’s true. I think it was cool to know that you both were expecting to cry a little because when I see love so great that one expects to cry, that is something spectacular that will be the wind at your back for the rest of your lives. I want to wish you the very best from the bottom of my heart, I’m so glad that you picked me to be your photographer.

Dear Randy, Kimberly, Marie and Rich

Thank you for raising such wonderful people. The world needs more people like this. The love and laughter expressed in your speeches and actions are evident in your children. You should be proud of the people they are which I am sure you are. Thank you again.

Dear Bridal Party

Thank you for being awesome. Matt, when you started punching the floor during the Harlem Shake…that kind of made my summer. Josh, I snorted when I saw Trey punch you square in the face. Charissa…I’m glad you held it together, you threatened to cry but I didn’t see a tear…way to stay strong. Tino, dude, that surfboard was a bear but you tamed it, slapped it into submission and rode it off into the sunset. Thanks for helping me out, the photo turned out great. To the rest of the bridal party, thank you for being super cool to me and providing me with hours of entertainment.

Dear Citizens of Tamarindo and surrounding areas

Two crazy, awesome love birds are coming your way. You are on notice.


M the Photographer

Wedding at The Inn at Spanish Head

July 25, 2013 Comments (0) Inn at Spanish Head

0 Responses to Michael & Trysta

  1. pam contreras says:

    Beautiful wedding! I love my daughter and her choice in a husband is something I am very proud of.

  2. Dr. Kevin Clark says:

    Great photos…well done! I am Trysta’s uncle Kevin from Texas and was taking lots of photos as well. These are awesome shots, especially the one of just the two of them on the rock. You’ve created a lot of anticipation with this “preview”. Thanks for capturing all of the special moments for Michael and Trysta! And, I was incredibly impressed that you managed to remember everyone in the bridal party’s names!

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